Operator algebras, Quantum groups and Tensor categories

The LMNO and the GDR GNC organized a 2-days meeting on Operator algebras, Quantum groups and Tensor categories, on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Prof. Leonid Vainerman. The meeting took place in Caen on March 21 and 22.
R. Vergnioux
Scientific commitee: L. Vainerman (Caen), E. Germain
(Caen), M. Enock (Paris)
The following speakers have given a talk:
- Y. Chapovskyi (Kiev): Compact quantum hypergroups
- M.-C. David (Orsay): Examples: Kac algebras and intermediate subfactors
- K. De Commer (Cergy): Podles spheres, quantum groupoids and special functions
- P. Fima (Paris): K-amenability of HNN-extensions of amenable discrete quantum groups
- A. Kalyuzhnyi (Kiev): Harmonic analysis on a locally compact hypergroup
- D. Nikshych (New Hampshire): Arithmetic properties and classification of fusion categories and Hopf algebras
- G. B. Podkolzin (Kiev): On the group of extensions for the bicrossed product construction for a locally compact group
- S. Vaes (Leuven): II_1 factors with a unique Cartan decomposition
- J.-M. Vallin (Orléans): On examples of quantum groupoids and subfactors in relation with fusion categories
- A. Van Daele (Leuven): Algebraic quantum groupoids
- S. L. Woronowicz (Warsaw): Multiplicative unitary for quantum codouble
The meeting was followed by the 2012 «Day of Algebra» at Caen on March 23, with talks by R. Berger, C. Kassel, S. Launois, G. Massuyeau and A. Virelizier.
The detailed programme is available on this page. You can also consult this page for practical informations. The meeting has been sponsored by the LMNO, the GDR GNC, the University of Caen, the City of Caen, and the Conseil général de Basse-Normandie.