Focused Semester on Quantum Groups

The focused semester on Quantum Groups and their relations to Theoretical Physics, Noncommutative Geometry and Free Probability took place in 2010 in France, from August 30th to October 15th. This focused semester was an activity of the European Network on Noncommutative Geometry and its french node, the "GDR Géométrie non commutative". It was organized by Emmanuel Germain and Roland Vergnioux.

The semester was mainly directed towards Ph.D. students and Postdocs in the areas of Noncommutative Geometry, Operator Algebras and Quantum Groups. It was organized around conferences about these topics and advanced graduate courses taking place at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme in Caen. Please have a look at the programme for more details. You can also download a scientific and organisational presentation of the semester.