Complex Reflection Groups and their Braid Groups

The algebra teams GRAAL of the
LMNO (Caen, France) and Théorie des groupes of the
LAMFA (Amiens, France) organise
a meeting
June 25th and 26th, 2018 in Caen (France).
The metting is supported by the GDR TLAG, the GDR Tresses and the GDRI Representation Theory. If you want to attend to this meeting, please register here.
The conference will be followed by the PHD defence of Georges Neaime (Tuesday afternoon).
Organisers : Eddy Godelle (LMNO) et Ivan Marin (LAMFA) .
Speakers :
- Filippo Callegaro (Univ. Pisa, Italia)
- Ruth Corran (AUP, Paris)
- François Digne (LAMFA, Amiens)
- Jon McCammond (UCSB, Santa-Barbara, USA)
- Jean Michel (IMJ, Paris VII)