The talks will take place at Amphi S3 043.
Monday, June 20 2011
- 9h - 10h : Welcome & Coffee (S3 247)
- 10h - 11h : D. Thakur
title to be announced - 11h15 - 12h15 : L. Taelman
The Carlitz module and a function field Herbrand-Ribet Theorem - 12h30 - 14h : Lunch Break (S3 122)
- 14h - 15h : U. Hartl
Complex multiplication of Anderson motives - 15h15 - 16h15 : F. Breuer
Galois representations and Drinfel'd modular polynomials - Coffee Break
- 16h45 - 17h45 : D. Logachev
Abelian varieties with multiplication by imaginary quadratic fields: results coming from the analogy with Anderson T-motives
Tuesday, June 21 2011
- 10h - 11h : D. Ulmer
Explicit points on the Legendre curve - 11h15 - 12h15 : M. Hindry
Analogs of Brauer-Siegel for abelian varieties over function fields in positive characteristic - 12h30 - 14h : Lunch Break
- 14h - 15h : K.S. Tan
The leading term of the characteristic series of the dual Selmer group of a Z_p^d-extension - 15h15 - 16h15 : D. Vauclair
Unramified Iwasawa theory for abelian varieties - Coffee Break
- 16h45 - 17h45 : I. Longhi
On the Iwasawa main conjecture for abelian varieties over global function fields - 20h30 : social dinner at restaurant Le Carlotta
Wednesday, June 22 2011
- 10h - 11h : F. Voloch
Brauer-Manin and finite descent obstruction for curves over function fields - 11h15 - 12h15 : S. David
Points of small Neron-Tate height - 12h30 - 14h : Lunch Break
- 14h - 15h : E.-U. Gekeler
Goss polynomials vs. Eulerian polynomials: Zero distribution and consequences for modular forms - 15h15 - 16h15 : F. Pellarin
Tau-recurrent sequences and modular forms - Coffee Break
- 16h45 - 17h45 : A . Petrov
More Non-Standard Fourier Expansions of Drinfeld Modular Forms