Laboratoire de mathématiques Nicolas Oresme

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XXVIIth Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen

Geometry, Arithmetic, Representations and Langlands program

June 1-3,  2016

Université de Caen - LMNO - CNRS UMR 6139 - Campus II - Boulevard du Maréchal Juin - Caen, France

Presentation of the conference:

These meetings started in 1989 and have been held on a yearly basis ever since. A specific research theme is chosen every year, which is connected to a realm of research studied by some of the members of the LMNO (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme). This conference has acquired international reputation as, often, experts from various countries are invited to talk.

The dates of the meeting will be June 1 to June 3, 2016.


  • P. Achar (LSU, USA)
  • L. Berger (Lyon, France)
  • P. Boyer (Villetaneuse, France)
  • H. Hida (Los Angeles, USA)
  • Q-T. Le (Bilbao, Spain)
  • A-C. Le Bras (Jussieu, France)
  • F. Martin (Regensburg, Germany)
  • S. Morra (Montpellier, France)
  • J. Rodrigues (Jussieu, France)
  • S. Rozensztajn (Lyon, France)
  • T. Schmidt (Rennes, France)
  • J. Tilouine (Villetaneuse, France)
  • L. Xiao (U Conn, USA)