Welcome to the website of the JA2017!
We are happy to welcome you to the 30th Journées Arithmétiques which will take place in Caen, Normandy from July 3 to July 7, 2017.
The conference site is located on the Campus I of the university , very close to the castle and downtown. Some maps of Caen, and many other documents are available on this page.
You will find on the site all information regarding the conference and the various registration procedures.
The official photo of the JA2017 is available!
Scientific program
The scientific program is now available, on this page. Due to the large number of talks, it will be complicated to modify it. Please restrict your requests for changes to really imperative cases. For these situations, we would be grateful if you could try to contact another speaker (preferably on the same topic) with whom you would like to switch and obtain his agreement. Requests should be sent to xxx.xxx@univ-lemans.fr (where xxx.xxx=bruno.deschamps).
Call for Application
The next two editions of the JAs will be held in Istanbul (JA2019) and in Nancy (JA2021). During the JA2017 of Caen it will probably be decided where the following editions should take place. The tradition of the Journées is that for the years congruent to 1 mod 4 the conference takes place in France and for those congruent to -1 mod 4 it takes place in a foreign country. Please contact xxx.xxx@univ-lemans.fr (where xxx.xxx=bruno.deschamps) on this subject so that we plan a meeting with the representatives of the candidate cities.
Final deadline for registration : Tuesday 23 May
Registration is closed!
New registration procedure!
Following requests, we have updated the procedure for registration with short talk proposal : you can now wait for the answer of the committee to your short talk proposal before proceeding to the payment of the registration fee. The full procedure of short talk proposal is available on this page.
There are two important deadlines:
Until April 26, 2017:
- Registration to the conference at the normal price.
- Reservation of campus accommodation.
- Registration to the conference dinner.
- Registration to an excursion.
Until April 1st, 2017 :
- Application to a financial support for young researchers.
We hope to see many of you soon in Caen!
The organizing committee of the JA2017.