Young researchers support program
Procedure available in pdf format.
The organizing committee of the 30th Journées Arithmétiques offers the possibility of financial support for the conference. This support is intended for young researchers, pre-doctoral, doctoral and post-doctoral students. For the beneficiaries, we will take care of:
- The registration fees.
- The accommodation in a student room.
- The lunches.
In order to benefit from this program, you must send a request with a CV and, for pre-doc and doc, a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor (or the master's supervisor). These documents have to be sent in pdf format, by e-mail, to: where xxx=ja2017.The title of the message should be "Demande de soutien JA2017".
The deadline for submitting applications is April 1, 2017.
A reply will be sent shortly after that date in order to allow non-selected persons to register at the conference.