Main | Programme | Participants
years |

Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew
University of Jerusalem): Log
smoothness and polystability over valuation rings
Matt Baker (Georgia Institute of Technology): Hyperfields, Ordered Blueprints, and
Moduli Spaces of Matroids
Francesco Baldassarri (University
of Padova): Entire Fourier expansions
on Q_p
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Université Paris-Diderot): A non-archimedean Ax-Lindemann theorem
Hélène Esnault (Freie
Universität Berlin): Cohomological
dimension in pro-p-towers
Charles Favre (École
Polytechnique): Hybrid spaces and
Jean-Marc Fontaine (Université
Paris-Sud): Almost
C_p-representations and vector bundles
Walter Gubler (Universität
Regensburg): Equidistribution
measures and delta-forms on Berkovich spaces
Luc Illusie (Université
Paris-Sud): A new approach to the de
Rham-Witt theory, after Bhatt, Lurie and Mathew
Mattias Jonsson (University of
Michigan): Berkovich spaces and
François Loeser (Sorbonne
Université): When non-archimedean
geometry meets non-standard analysis
Florent Martin (Universität
Regensburg): Differentiability of
non-Archimedean volumes
Johannes Nicaise (Imperial
College London): The non-archimedean
SYZ fibration
Sam Payne (Yale University): Tropical curves, graph complexes, and top
weight cohomology of M_g
Amaury Thuillier (Université de
Lyon 1): On the homotopy type of
analytifications of algebraic varieties
Annette Werner
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Non-archimedean
and tropical Hodge bundle
Tony Yue Yu (Université
Paris-Sud): Enumeration of
non-archimedean curves in higher dimensional log Calabi-Yau varieties
Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton
University): Admissible height
pairings of algebraic cycles